ITDA, Uttarakhand has come up with an idea for an E-waste studio in the year 2020 when the world is struggling with the global Pandemic covid-19. The motive behind this “E-Waste Studio, Uttarakhand" is to promote the RRR term of recycling where the first R is for Reduce Second R is for reuse and the third R is for Represent instead of Recycle.
The motive behind this “E-Waste Studio, Uttarakhand" is to promote the RRR term of recycling where the first R is for Reduce Second R is for reuse and the third R is for Represent instead of Recycle. But the fact is we cannot stop but we also don't want to harm Mother Nature with our acts. Then how can we reduce, reuse and represent? Well, we can understand our needs for electronics and avoid buying unnecessary electronic items and dispose of the e-waste in the right way, we can cannibalize the e-waste and make something useful like a working model or the artefact and now it's time to represent our brand new E-Waste artefact. Isn’t it simple?
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The last date of submission is 31st March 2021.
Aryansingh 4 years 2 weeks ago
This contamination puts not just people in danger but the environment. In developing countries, the risks is exceptionally high because some developed countries send their e-waste there for the disposal, but now keeping in view the danger of E-Waste provisions are made which prohibit the import export of E-Waste. It is observed that the global e-waste has detrimental effects not only on the people that work with the e-waste but also the people.