Traffic jam is such kind of situation where a lot of vehicles crowd so close together that movement becomes impossible for some time. It is a common affair in the big cities and towns. Nowadays it is one of the major problems in our country. The causes of traffic jams are the rapid growth of the population, increasing the number of vehicles and narrow roads. Traffic jam is a great problem and it kills our valuable time. Our works are also badly hampered by a traffic jam. A traffic jam can be solved by well-planned spacious roads, strict traffic rules, and by sufficient traffic police. After taking all these steps, we may hope to have a good traffic system for easy and comfortable movement.
What is your opinion on this topic? Express your thoughts in the comment section below.
The last date of submission is 31st March 2021.
Prem Sethi 3 years 11 months ago
The main cause of traffic jams in my Dehradun is shortage of Local Public Transport facilities do students,working persons,business man have to use their private vehicles.
Dhruv Ahluwalia 3 years 11 months ago
Driving test to be mandatory and RTO to be Automated. Traffic lights be functional and cops to check documents of vehicles
hem joshi 3 years 12 months ago
मेरे विचार से सडक़ जाम का प्रमुख कारण सडकों के दोनों तरफ अतिक्रमण है जिस पर कठोर कार्यवाही होनी चाहिये।
Anurag 3 years 12 months ago
Public is not following traffic rules.
Police administration should take strict action.
Santanu Datta 3 years 12 months ago
Main cause of traffic jam is increase the number of vehicles and number of roads are almost same.
Anjalibhatt 4 years 15 hours ago
There can be multiple factors causing traffic jam.
1. Too many cars for the roadway due to inadequate mass transit options or other reasons.
2.Obstacles in the road causing a blockage and merger. These can be any of the following:Double parking, Road work, Lane closure due to utility work, Road narrowing down and An accident.
3.Traffic signals out of sync many times on purpose or occasionally when the computers are malfunctioning.
4.Too many pedestrians crossing not permitting cars to turn.
iebxxxxxca 4 years 2 days ago
About half of all traffic slowdowns are caused by temporary traffic flow disruptions. These are the unwelcome surprises that take over part of the roadway, such as an accident blocking a lane, a construction zone causing a bottleneck, or inclement weather conditions that affect all drivers
SUTHAHAR P 4 years 4 days ago
Environment (non-recurring)
Mechanical (non-recurring)
Human (non-recurring)
Infrastructure (recurring)
SUTHAHAR P 4 years 4 days ago
Between 1980 and 1999, the number of miles of highway increased by 1.5 percent, whereas the number of miles traveled by drivers increased by 76 percent. This imbalance between supply and demand has very real consequences, leading to more traffic jams, and worst of all, more car accidents. The increase in drivers and lack of comparable increase in highways are what causes congestion.
SUTHAHAR P 4 years 4 days ago
Traffic jams are frustrating because although many are caused by accidents or road construction that we can see, just as many are caused seemingly by nothing. So, what causes traffic jams? What’s behind those mysterious and sudden stops?